Monday, August 11, 2008

Indy or Bust!!! Aunt Emily, when can we come back? I had so much fun visiting you, and PK, and Birdie, and my sorta-kinda-sometimes-scary-but-lots-of-fun Uncle Michael this weekend. The State Fair was sweet, the pool was awesome, the ice cream cones were delicious, and staying up yelling about "Baby Alligators!" with PK until eleven at night and then continuing again at six in the morning was the best time ever. (What? You guys didn't like that part? You all must be OLD.) I'm still catching up on lost sleep, as is Eliza. Who knew a one year old could stay up until midnight, and then still be more wide awake then her parents on the way home the next day? Anyway, I'm already planning our next trip down. Tell PK to make some room in that twin bed of hers again!

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1 comment:

designHER Momma said...

we did have just the best time! Little crabby and sleepy after....but totally worth it!